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1Blitz memorial plaque, Devonshire Greena07290

Blitz memorial plaque, Devonshire Green

2Nicholson Memorial, Sheffield General Cemeterya00584

Nicholson Memorial, Sheffield General Cemetery

3Bielby Memorial, Sheffield General Cemetery (Sheffield Blitz)a00586

Bielby Memorial, Sheffield General Cemetery (Sheffield Blitz)

4Entrance to the Sheffield Blitz Garden, City Road Cemeterya01043

Entrance to the Sheffield Blitz Garden, City Road Cemetery

5Sheffield Blitz Garden, City Road Cemeterya01044

Sheffield Blitz Garden, City Road Cemetery

6Sheffield Blitz Garden, City Road Cemeterya01045

Sheffield Blitz Garden, City Road Cemetery

7Sheffield Blitz Garden, City Road Cemeterya01046

Sheffield Blitz Garden, City Road Cemetery

8Sheffield Blitz Garden, City Road Cemeterya01047

Sheffield Blitz Garden, City Road Cemetery

9Sheffield Blitz Garden, City Road Cemeterya01048

Sheffield Blitz Garden, City Road Cemetery

10Plaque commemorating the Blitz, 12th and 15th December 1940, City Road Memorial Gardens, City Road Cemeteryt00357

Plaque commemorating the Blitz, 12th and 15th December 1940, City Road Memorial Gardens, City Road Cemetery

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