Record Detail

B1 steam locomotive 61250, A Harold Bibby at Sheffield Midland railway station

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B1 steam locomotive 61250, A Harold Bibby at Sheffield Midland railway station
J A Thickitt

The 08.10 Sheffield (Midland) to York passenger train was routed via Rotherham (Masbrough) Pontefract (Baghill) and Bolton Percy. The train did not call at all the stations it passed through. Although formerly an Immingham (Lincs.) based engine (visiting Sheffield Victoria station during that time), by February 1966, 61250 may already have been re-allocated to Doncaster, who provided the engine for this train. The 08.10 was the last regularly steam-hauled passenger train between the two cities, surviving until 16 April 1966. The photograph was taken because the engine's nameplates were still in place. By 1966, where their fixings were easily accessible, removal of engine nameplates' was the norm. Note the engine had not yet coupled-up to the carriages forming the 08.10, which left from platform 4.

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