Record Detail

Hillman Hunter (London-Sydney Marathon competitor) in the Lord Mayor's Parade, Pinstone Streetc. 1970

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Hillman Hunter (London-Sydney Marathon competitor) in the Lord Mayor's Parade, Pinstone Streetc. 1970

Donated by E.H.Pickford and Co. Ltd. The company originated with Ernest Hardy Pickford of Pickford, Trown and Co., motor engineers and engineers' toolmakers. By c. 1920 the engineers toolmaking was taken over by Pickford, Evans and Co. which remained on the same premises. This company later became the Pickford Tool Co. and c. 1946 moved to Clay Wheels Lane. E.H. Pickford and Co. remained on the original site (various numbers around 256 - 266 Ecclesall Road), it became part of the T.W. Ward group and at one time was a dealer in Talbot cars.

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