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Theatre Royal playbill: Clandestine Marriage, William Farren, Uncle Foozle, etc., 8 Nov1848

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Theatre Royal playbill: Clandestine Marriage, William Farren, Uncle Foozle, etc., 8 Nov1848

Theatre Royal, Sheffield

Mr Saville has the gratification of announcing to the inhabitants of Sheffield and its vicinity, that he has entered into an engagement for four nights only! With the celebrated artist, and acknowledged first comedian of the English stage, Mr Wm. Farren, who will make his second appearance in Sheffield this evening, Wednesday and sustain two of his most popular characters, Lord Ogelby and Uncle Foozle.

Wednesday evening, Nov 8th, 1848, will be presented the comedy of The Clandestine Marriage.

A Grand Pas de Deux by Miss Adeline Lonsdale and Mr. Hunt.

To be followed by the popular petite comedy, (acted so successfully at the Theatre Royal, Haymarket, London) called Uncle Foozle!

A Pas Seul - by Miss Laura Sanders.To conclude with the successful new drama of The Blue Jackets!! Or, Her Majesty's Service.

Incidental to the piece, a hornpipe of, by Misses L. Sanders, Harcourt, Sanders, Smythson, Vining, and Bartlett, and the cutlass exercise by all the ladies!!!

Tomorrow, Thursday evening, Mr William Farren will appear in three of his most popular characters, it being the last night but one of his engagement.

In preparation, Shakespeare's tragedy of Macbeth, and new nautical drama, founded on one of England's greatest victories, and a grand spectacle.

[Performers]: Mr W. Artaud, Mrs Bartlett, Mr Birkinshaw, Mr Browne, Mr Clifton, Mr William Farren, Mr George Graham, Mr Griffiths, Mrs Griffiths, Miss Ada Harcourt, Mr. Hunt, Miss Adeline Lonsdale, Mr Mulford, Mrs Mulford, Miss L. Sanders, Mr J. F. Saville, Mrs J. F. Saville, Mr R. F. Smith, Mr M. Smythson, Mrs M. Smythson, Miss A. Vining, Mr M. Watkins, and Mr J. H. White.

Stage manager, Mr Mulford. Ballet master, Mr. Hunt. Prompter, Mr Griffiths. Lessee and acting manager Mr. J. F. Saville, Arundel Street.

The doors will open at half-past six. The curtain to rise at seven o'clock precisely.

Boxes, 2s. 6d. (second price, at a quarter before 9 o’clock, 1s. 6d.) Pit, 1s. Gallery 6d.

Pass out cheques not transferable. Officers will be in attendance to preserve quiet and good order. The box plan will be at the Theatre Royal and at Mr Thompson’s, confectioner, High Street, where tickets and places for the boxes may be taken.

Printed by John Bridgeford, at the Caxton office, 7 Mulberry Street, Sheffield.

Original at Sheffield City Archives: BC/16/11.

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