Record Detail

Charnock Hall Infants School, Class 4a with the teacher, probably 1961

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Charnock Hall Infants School, Class 4a with the teacher, probably 1961

Front row left to right. Keith Heppenstall, Robert Ashmore, Barbara Askham, Christine Pocklington, Malcolm Proctor, unknown

2nd row left to right Ian Wood, Paul Champion, Gillian Raynes, Gillian Richards, Brenda Sims, Margaret Bennett, Gillian Ingle, Kethleen Aitkin, Carol Highfield, Andrew Jackson, Bernard Jennings.

3rd row left to right. Initials CD?, Ann Lindley, Linda Brocklehurst, Sandra Bagshaw, Shelagh Haigh, Christine Hurst, Joy Christian, Barbara Ramsden, Cheryl Furness, Julie Simmonds, Shirley Davis, Pat Goddard, Ann Lindsay.

Back row left to right. Mrs Johnson, John Barker, Roger Wylde (later played for Sheffield Wednesday in the 1980s and can be seen on several Sheffield Wednesday web-sites), Stephen Pinder, Chris Rawson, Alan Yates, Stephen Fry, Lewis Hall, Kim Elliott, Andrew Frost, Richard Heeley, Peter Foggin, David Foggin.

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