Record Detail

Theatre Royal playbill: She Would and He Wouldn't!, etc., 30 Nov 1866

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Theatre Royal playbill: She Would and He Wouldn't!, etc., 30 Nov 1866

Theatre Royal,


Sole lessee, Mrs Chas. Pitt [Mrs Charles Pitt], 87, Norfolk Street.

Licenced to play all the pieces of the Dramatic Authors Society.

Grand fashionable night!

Under the immediate patronage and presence of


Wortley and Dixon

The officers, non-commissioned officers, and members of the Sheffield squadron of the first West York



This present Friday, November 30th, 1866.

Overture by the Yeomanry cavalry band.

Conducted by Trumpet-Major Hemingway, Y.C.

At seven o'clock, the performances will commence with a comedy, in two acts, by J. Maddison Morton, esquire, entitled

She Would


He Wouldn’t!

To be followed by Richard Brindsley Sheridan's celebrated comedy, entitled

The Critic,

Or, A Tragedy Rehearsed.

During the evening, the following music will be performed by the Yeomanry cavalry band


dedicated by kind permission to the right honourable Earl Fitzwilliam and officers of the regiment.

To conclude with their ballet divertissement

Red, White, and Blue!

Supported by Mr Carl Rowella, Miss Jenny De Brent, on the ladies of the Corps de Ballet.

Tomorrow, Saturday, December 1st, an entire change of performance.

Mrs Pitt has great pleasure in informing her friends and the public that she has succeeded in forming an engagement, for positively 11 nights only, with

Miss Annie Thirlwall and Mr Henry Corri’s

Opera Company!

They will appear on

Monday next, December 3rd,

in conjunction with the present dramatic and ballet company. Mrs Pitt calls upon her Sheffield friends to support her in this enormously expensive undertaking.

Monday, December 3rd, Wallace’s popular opera of


To be followed by Ald. Saunders’ admire drama, first time in 3 years, entitled

Elise: Or, The Isle of St Lucia.

[Performers:] Mr Noel Austin, Mrs J. Bisson, Miss Jenny de Brent, Mr Brindsley, Mrs Brindsley, , Mr Clair, Mr Frank Clements, Mr Oliver Cromwell, Miss Jenny Elton, Mr J. Harvey, Mr P. R. James, Mr W. E. Lane, Mr Lewis, Albert Montgomery, Mr Wilson Parker, Miss Paterson, Mr Charles Pitt, Mr Charles D. Pitt, Mr Carl Rowella, Miss Eliza Saville, Miss Shalders, Mr Somerville, Mr Roberts Tindell [sic], Mr E. W. Travers, Mr Frank Wilton.

Doors open at half past six. To commence at seven o'clock.

Dress circle, 3s., boxes, 2s., pit, 1s., gallery, 6d.,

Private boxes, to hold six, £1 1s. Half price to dress circle, boxes, and pit, at nine o'clock.

The box plan at Mr. J Thorpe's, confectioner, 1, Fargate, where seats and tickets may be secured. Carriages may be ordered for eleven o’clock.

Jeremiah Robertshaw, steam printer, Excelsior offices, Angel Street, Sheffield.

Original at Sheffield City Archives: BC/16/93.

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