Record Detail

Plan of Commercial Hotel and public house known as the Commercial Tap with stables and outbuildings situate in and near the Haymarket, Sheffield, to be sold by auction

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Plan of Commercial Hotel and public house known as the Commercial Tap with stables and outbuildings situate in and near the Haymarket, Sheffield, to be sold by auction

Lot 1 all that commodious and well accustomed hotel and commercial house, known as the Commercial hotel, situate and fronting to the best part of the Haymarket, in Sheffield, together with the out buildings, yard and appurtenances thereto adjoining, occupying a site of 261 square yards ...

Lot 2 all those premises known as the Commercial tap, situate in Commercial Street, Sheffield, opposite to the Commercial Hotel, with the stabling for 16 houses, carriage houses, sheds, and other outbuildings, in the occupation of Mr Simms, Coach and Cab Proprietor, as tenant -at-will ...

The Commercial Hotel is one of the oldest established inns in Sheffield. The superiority of the situation for business is undeniable, being in the greatest thoroughfare and in the most central part of the town. The value of this property will shortly be much increased by the great improvements about to be made around it. The new station on the main line of the Midland railway will be within a very short distance from the hotel, and a new street forming the approach to the station being made, running from the Haymarket in front of these premises. The site for the new General Post Office for Sheffield is fixed to be at the corner of the new street leading to the station and opposite to the hotel ...

Scale 15 feet : 1 inch.

S. F. Holmes, Surveyor, Sheffield.

Parkin and Bacon, Lithographers, Sheffield.

Sheffield Local Studies Library: Sale Plans 11 Nov 1866.

This item was digitised through financial support from the Sheffield and District Family History Society.

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