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1Gymnasium, King Edward VII School, Glossop Roadt04958

Gymnasium, King Edward VII School, Glossop Road

2Dining area, King Edward VII School, Glossop Roadt04959

Dining area, King Edward VII School, Glossop Road

3Interior, King Edward VII School, Glossop Roadt04960

Interior, King Edward VII School, Glossop Road

4Interior, King Edward VII School, Glossop Roadt04961

Interior, King Edward VII School, Glossop Road

5Helen Wilson Memorial Plaque, The Helen Wilson Settlement, Rutland Hall, Nos. 54 - 56 Hicks Street t04984

Helen Wilson Memorial Plaque, The Helen Wilson Settlement, Rutland Hall, Nos. 54 - 56 Hicks Street

6Looking towards former premises of Shortall Ltd., Effingham Street and Bernard Road Incinerator (right)t04990

Looking towards former premises of Shortall Ltd., Effingham Street and Bernard Road Incinerator (right)

7Cyril Caplan and Co. Ltd., Jeanery Ltd., Chapel House, No. 21 Gleadless Roadt05010

Cyril Caplan and Co. Ltd., Jeanery Ltd., Chapel House, No. 21 Gleadless Road

8Nos. 6, Ecclesfield Library, 4 and  2, Townend Road looking towards St. Mary C. of E. Church, Ecclesfieldt05019

Nos. 6, Ecclesfield Library, 4 and 2, Townend Road looking towards St. Mary C. of E. Church, Ecclesfield

9No. 3, St. Mary's Lane from Church Street, Ecclesfield with the Black Bull public house on the cornert05024

No. 3, St. Mary's Lane from Church Street, Ecclesfield with the Black Bull public house on the corner

10Derelict No. 3, St. Mary's Lane looking towards St. Mary C. of E. Church, Church Street, Ecclesfield  t05025

Derelict No. 3, St. Mary's Lane looking towards St. Mary C. of E. Church, Church Street, Ecclesfield

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