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1Able Seaman S. Poulton of Sharrow Lane, Sheffield, woundedy09720

Able Seaman S. Poulton of Sharrow Lane, Sheffield, wounded

2Private J. Hallam, Australian Forces, Union Lane, Sheffield, woundedy09721

Private J. Hallam, Australian Forces, Union Lane, Sheffield, wounded

3Gnr. Albert Fidler, Royal Field Artillery, of Allen Street, Sheffield, woundedy09723

Gnr. Albert Fidler, Royal Field Artillery, of Allen Street, Sheffield, wounded

4Private W. Wainwright, North Staffordshire Regiment, Walkley, Sheffield, killedy09724

Private W. Wainwright, North Staffordshire Regiment, Walkley, Sheffield, killed

5Wireless Operator Cecil H. Barnard, Royal Naval Volunteer Reserve, of No. 23 Brookfield Road, Sheffield, awarded the D.S.M.y09725

Wireless Operator Cecil H. Barnard, Royal Naval Volunteer Reserve, of No. 23 Brookfield Road, Sheffield, awarded the D.S.M.

6Miss I. Johnston (left), No. 13 Victoria Road, Broomhall Park and Miss Ida Tomlinson, Pitsmoor, two of the first of Sheffield's daughters to go to France with the Women's Army Auxiliary Corps y09726

Miss I. Johnston (left), No. 13 Victoria Road, Broomhall Park and Miss Ida Tomlinson, Pitsmoor, two of the first of Sheffield's daughters to go to France with the Women's Army Auxiliary Corps

7Sergeant J. Timbrell, York and Lancaster Regiment, Liverpool Street, Attercliffe, Sheffield, awarded the Military Medaly09607

Sergeant J. Timbrell, York and Lancaster Regiment, Liverpool Street, Attercliffe, Sheffield, awarded the Military Medal

8Corporal Albert Moore, Northumberland Fusiliers, Prospect Road, Heeley, Sheffield, killed y09608

Corporal Albert Moore, Northumberland Fusiliers, Prospect Road, Heeley, Sheffield, killed

9Private G. H. Smith, Royal Engineers, No.140 Forncett Street, Sheffield, awarded the Military Medaly09609

Private G. H. Smith, Royal Engineers, No.140 Forncett Street, Sheffield, awarded the Military Medal

10Gunner Oliver C. W. Byard, Royal Field Artillery, Halfway House, Chesterfield, killedy09610

Gunner Oliver C. W. Byard, Royal Field Artillery, Halfway House, Chesterfield, killed

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