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1Lance Corp. D. C. G. Bardsley, of Sheffield, has been granted a commission in the South Staffordshire Regimenty09494

Lance Corp. D. C. G. Bardsley, of Sheffield, has been granted a commission in the South Staffordshire Regiment

2Sergeant E. Shipman, King's Own Yorkshire Light Infantry (KOYLI), of Sheffield, twice woundedy09496

Sergeant E. Shipman, King's Own Yorkshire Light Infantry (KOYLI), of Sheffield, twice wounded

3Private A. Maher, York and Lancaster Regiment, Sheffield, killedy09497

Private A. Maher, York and Lancaster Regiment, Sheffield, killed

4Private Ernest Perry, York and Lancaster Regiment, Park, Sheffield, killedy09498

Private Ernest Perry, York and Lancaster Regiment, Park, Sheffield, killed

5Private Vincent Ellis, King's Own Yorkshire Light Infantry (KOYLI), Greenhill, Sheffield, died of woundsy09499

Private Vincent Ellis, King's Own Yorkshire Light Infantry (KOYLI), Greenhill, Sheffield, died of wounds

6Private S. Smith, King's Own Yorkshire Light Infantry (KOYLI), of Sturton Grange, Garforth, Leeds, died of woundsy09500

Private S. Smith, King's Own Yorkshire Light Infantry (KOYLI), of Sturton Grange, Garforth, Leeds, died of wounds

7Private Harry Singleton, South Lancshire Regiment, Sharrow Lane, Sheffield, killedy09501

Private Harry Singleton, South Lancshire Regiment, Sharrow Lane, Sheffield, killed

82nd Lt. Cecil Percy Turner, Royal Garrison Artillery, formerly student at Sheffield Central Secondary School who has just been granted a commissiony09523

2nd Lt. Cecil Percy Turner, Royal Garrison Artillery, formerly student at Sheffield Central Secondary School who has just been granted a commission

92nd Lt. Charles Marples of Sheffield who has just been granted a commission in the Yorks and Lancs Regiment.y09524

2nd Lt. Charles Marples of Sheffield who has just been granted a commission in the Yorks and Lancs Regiment.

10Lt. W. D. Muirhead, West Yorkshire Regiment, Broomhall Place, Sheffield, reported missing 3rd May and now reported prisoner of war in Germanyy09525

Lt. W. D. Muirhead, West Yorkshire Regiment, Broomhall Place, Sheffield, reported missing 3rd May and now reported prisoner of war in Germany

Found 4858 records.

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