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12nd Lt. Reginald Barber, York and Lancaster Regiment, of Sheffield, promoted to Lieutenanty09484

2nd Lt. Reginald Barber, York and Lancaster Regiment, of Sheffield, promoted to Lieutenant

2Lt. Maurice Barber, York and Lancaster Regiment, promoted to rank of Captain, son of Mr Herbert Barber of Sheffieldy09485

Lt. Maurice Barber, York and Lancaster Regiment, promoted to rank of Captain, son of Mr Herbert Barber of Sheffield

3Lt. H. H. Harvey, Machine Gun Corps, of Sheffield, awarded the Military Crossy09486

Lt. H. H. Harvey, Machine Gun Corps, of Sheffield, awarded the Military Cross

42nd Lt. F. Gunson, of Weekly Telegraph Editorial Department, has been commissioned in Notts and Derby Regimenty09487

2nd Lt. F. Gunson, of Weekly Telegraph Editorial Department, has been commissioned in Notts and Derby Regiment

5Corp. E. W. Clark, Dragoons, 124 Ellesmere Road, Sheffield, has been granted a commision in the Royal Field Artilleryy09488

Corp. E. W. Clark, Dragoons, 124 Ellesmere Road, Sheffield, has been granted a commision in the Royal Field Artillery

6Lt. D. J. Honer, Royal Flying Corps, son of Lt. W Honer, Royal Navy., Sheffield, reported missingy09489

Lt. D. J. Honer, Royal Flying Corps, son of Lt. W Honer, Royal Navy., Sheffield, reported missing

7Lt. Harold C. Firth Jeffcock, Sherwood Foresters, eldest son of Mr and Mrs C. E. Jeffcock, of Welham Hall, Retford, died of woundsy09490

Lt. Harold C. Firth Jeffcock, Sherwood Foresters, eldest son of Mr and Mrs C. E. Jeffcock, of Welham Hall, Retford, died of wounds

8Lt. Cyril (Dick) Carr, Royal Engineers, second son of Alderman A. Carr, of Doncaster has been awarded the Military Cross for gallant conduct in the fieldy09491

Lt. Cyril (Dick) Carr, Royal Engineers, second son of Alderman A. Carr, of Doncaster has been awarded the Military Cross for gallant conduct in the field

9Sergeant Walter Silcock, Kings Royal Rifles, Sheffield, awarded the Distinguished Conduct Medaly09492

Sergeant Walter Silcock, Kings Royal Rifles, Sheffield, awarded the Distinguished Conduct Medal

102nd Lt. (Rev.) Bernard Wilkinson, North Staffordshire Regiment, of Hoyland Common, killed in actiony09493

2nd Lt. (Rev.) Bernard Wilkinson, North Staffordshire Regiment, of Hoyland Common, killed in action

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