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1Private Fred Smith, Essex Regiment, Sheffield, woundedy09424

Private Fred Smith, Essex Regiment, Sheffield, wounded

2Lance Corporal H. Maquade, York and Lancaster Regiment, Club Garden Road, Sheffield, killedy09425

Lance Corporal H. Maquade, York and Lancaster Regiment, Club Garden Road, Sheffield, killed

3Private Harry Wasnidge, West Yorkshire Regiment, Sheffield, killedy09426

Private Harry Wasnidge, West Yorkshire Regiment, Sheffield, killed

4Gunner J. Hunter, Royal Field Artillery, Sheffield, woundedy09427

Gunner J. Hunter, Royal Field Artillery, Sheffield, wounded

5Capt. F. B. Hewson, York and Lancaster Regiment, of Sheffield, awarded the Military Crossy09428

Capt. F. B. Hewson, York and Lancaster Regiment, of Sheffield, awarded the Military Cross

6Major F. A. Neill, Royal Engineers, son of Mr James Neill, Carsick, Sheffield, granted the Distinguished Service Order.y09429

Major F. A. Neill, Royal Engineers, son of Mr James Neill, Carsick, Sheffield, granted the Distinguished Service Order.

72nd Lt. F. J. Nock, King's Own Yorkshire Light Infantry (KOYLI), of Pitsmoor, Sheffield, died of wounds abroady09430

2nd Lt. F. J. Nock, King's Own Yorkshire Light Infantry (KOYLI), of Pitsmoor, Sheffield, died of wounds abroad

8Company Sergeant Major R. Smalt, Cameron Highlanders, Hillsborough, Sheffield, severely woundedy09471

Company Sergeant Major R. Smalt, Cameron Highlanders, Hillsborough, Sheffield, severely wounded

9Private J. Albert Hammond, York and Lancaster Regiment, Tinsley, Sheffield, died of woundsy09472

Private J. Albert Hammond, York and Lancaster Regiment, Tinsley, Sheffield, died of wounds

10Corp. Alfred Metcalfe, York and Lancaster Regiment, Carbrook, Sheffield, woundedy09473

Corp. Alfred Metcalfe, York and Lancaster Regiment, Carbrook, Sheffield, wounded

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