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1Lance Corporal Bernard Elliott, York and Lancaster Regiment, Sheffield, woundedy09404

Lance Corporal Bernard Elliott, York and Lancaster Regiment, Sheffield, wounded

2Rifleman John Elliott, West Yorkshire Regiment, Sheffield, woundedy09405

Rifleman John Elliott, West Yorkshire Regiment, Sheffield, wounded

3Private A. Hayward, York and Lancaster Regiment, Walkley, Sheffield, woundedy09406

Private A. Hayward, York and Lancaster Regiment, Walkley, Sheffield, wounded

4Private Ellis Austin, York and Lancaster Regiment, Wadsley Bridge, Sheffield, died of wounds at the fronty09407

Private Ellis Austin, York and Lancaster Regiment, Wadsley Bridge, Sheffield, died of wounds at the front

5Private G. A. Green, Northumberland Fusiliers, Sheffield, severely woundedy09408

Private G. A. Green, Northumberland Fusiliers, Sheffield, severely wounded

6Private Percy Jessop, King's Own Yorkshire Light Infantry (KOYLI), Crookes, Sheffield, wounded and in hospitaly09409

Private Percy Jessop, King's Own Yorkshire Light Infantry (KOYLI), Crookes, Sheffield, wounded and in hospital

7Private H. C. Morton, London Regiment, son of Mr C. R. Morton, Meersbrook, Sheffield, woundedy09410

Private H. C. Morton, London Regiment, son of Mr C. R. Morton, Meersbrook, Sheffield, wounded

8Private Leonard Simpson, Northumberland Fusiliers, Parkwood Springs, Sheffield, wounded. Was employed in the Stereo Dept of Sheffield Daily Telegraphy09416

Private Leonard Simpson, Northumberland Fusiliers, Parkwood Springs, Sheffield, wounded. Was employed in the Stereo Dept of Sheffield Daily Telegraph

9Private Joseph Harrison, West Yorkshire Regiment, Lodge Moor, Sheffield, twice woundedy09411

Private Joseph Harrison, West Yorkshire Regiment, Lodge Moor, Sheffield, twice wounded

10Corporal A. Marvin, Royal Engineers, 29 Burton Road, Sheffield, awarded the Military Medal, and Karageorge (Serbian)y09412

Corporal A. Marvin, Royal Engineers, 29 Burton Road, Sheffield, awarded the Military Medal, and Karageorge (Serbian)

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