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1Lance Corporal Fred Barnes, Kings Royal Rifles, Sheffield, killedy09329

Lance Corporal Fred Barnes, Kings Royal Rifles, Sheffield, killed

2Private John Fowler, King's Own Yorkshire Light Infantry (KOYLI), Penistone Road, Sheffield, wounded for second timey09330

Private John Fowler, King's Own Yorkshire Light Infantry (KOYLI), Penistone Road, Sheffield, wounded for second time

3Sergeant Joseph Milnes, of Wadsley Bridge, late of Bolsterstone, dangerously woundedy09331

Sergeant Joseph Milnes, of Wadsley Bridge, late of Bolsterstone, dangerously wounded

4Sergeant A. Brady, York and Lancaster Regiment, Sheffield, killedy09332

Sergeant A. Brady, York and Lancaster Regiment, Sheffield, killed

5Private James Ryan, West Yorkshire Regiment, Sheffield, woundedy09333

Private James Ryan, West Yorkshire Regiment, Sheffield, wounded

6Private Thomas Henry Rimmington, Northumberland Fusiliers, High Bradfield, Sheffield, killedy09334

Private Thomas Henry Rimmington, Northumberland Fusiliers, High Bradfield, Sheffield, killed

7Private J. L. Horsfield, Northumberland Fusiliers, Sheffield, woundedy09335

Private J. L. Horsfield, Northumberland Fusiliers, Sheffield, wounded

8Private Matt Nicholson, York and Lancaster Regiment, Shoreham Street, Sheffield, killedy09336

Private Matt Nicholson, York and Lancaster Regiment, Shoreham Street, Sheffield, killed

9Private John Thomas Roebuck, York and Lancaster Regiment, Walkley Road, Sheffield, woundedy09337

Private John Thomas Roebuck, York and Lancaster Regiment, Walkley Road, Sheffield, wounded

10Lance Corporal C. Marsden, York and Lancaster Regiment, Tapton Hill Road, Sheffield, woundedy09338

Lance Corporal C. Marsden, York and Lancaster Regiment, Tapton Hill Road, Sheffield, wounded

Found 4858 records.

Page of 486.