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1Sergeant W. Fletcher, Dragoons, 24 Montfort Road, Sheffield, awarded the Military Medal and Medaille Militairey09317

Sergeant W. Fletcher, Dragoons, 24 Montfort Road, Sheffield, awarded the Military Medal and Medaille Militaire

2Capt. G. Barnsley, Chief Recruiting Officer for Sheffield District has been promoted to rank of Majory09318

Capt. G. Barnsley, Chief Recruiting Officer for Sheffield District has been promoted to rank of Major

32nd Lt. A. P. Lockwood, Notts and Derby Regiment, son of late Dr H. Lockwood, of Sheffield awarded the Military Crossy09319

2nd Lt. A. P. Lockwood, Notts and Derby Regiment, son of late Dr H. Lockwood, of Sheffield awarded the Military Cross

4Corp. James. Bartlett, Australian Forces, son of Mr S. T. Bartlett, Lydgate Lane, Sheffield, killedy09320

Corp. James. Bartlett, Australian Forces, son of Mr S. T. Bartlett, Lydgate Lane, Sheffield, killed

5Private John Wm. Marsden, York and Lancaster Regiment, Abbeydale Road, Sheffield, killedy09321

Private John Wm. Marsden, York and Lancaster Regiment, Abbeydale Road, Sheffield, killed

6The night staff at Lodge Moor Hospital setting potatoesy09322

The night staff at Lodge Moor Hospital setting potatoes

7The Lodge Moor Hospital night staff returning to the hospital after their day's worky09323

The Lodge Moor Hospital night staff returning to the hospital after their day's work

8Private W. Taylor, Norfolk Regiment, Dronfield, killedy09326

Private W. Taylor, Norfolk Regiment, Dronfield, killed

9Gunner Joe Wall, Royal Field Artillery, Attercliffe Common, Sheffield, killedy09327

Gunner Joe Wall, Royal Field Artillery, Attercliffe Common, Sheffield, killed

10Lance Corp. Ernest Herring, York and Lancaster Regiment, Crookes, Sheffield, wounded for second timey09328

Lance Corp. Ernest Herring, York and Lancaster Regiment, Crookes, Sheffield, wounded for second time

Found 4858 records.

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