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1Corporal Harold Owen, King's Own Yorkshire Light Infantry (KOYLI), Sheffield, woundedy09307

Corporal Harold Owen, King's Own Yorkshire Light Infantry (KOYLI), Sheffield, wounded

2Lance-Corporal J. R. Kirk, Kings Royal Rifles, Carbrook, Sheffield, woundedy09308

Lance-Corporal J. R. Kirk, Kings Royal Rifles, Carbrook, Sheffield, wounded

3Sergt. Frank Oliver, York and Lancaster Regiment, Darnall, Sheffield, missingy09309

Sergt. Frank Oliver, York and Lancaster Regiment, Darnall, Sheffield, missing

4Private F. Walker, King's Own Yorkshire Light Infantry (KOYLI), Holmes, Rotherham, missingy09310

Private F. Walker, King's Own Yorkshire Light Infantry (KOYLI), Holmes, Rotherham, missing

5Private Frank Hulley, York and Lancaster Regiment, West Melton, near Rotherham, missingy09311

Private Frank Hulley, York and Lancaster Regiment, West Melton, near Rotherham, missing

6Private Godfrey Owen, York and Lancaster Regiment, Sheffield, missing since July 1y09312

Private Godfrey Owen, York and Lancaster Regiment, Sheffield, missing since July 1

7Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Roberts entertained a large number of wounded soldiers on Saturday at Queen's Towery09313

Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Roberts entertained a large number of wounded soldiers on Saturday at Queen's Tower

8Sergeant J. H. Grant, King's Own Yorkshire Light Infantry (KOYLI), of 30 Harwood Street, Sheffield, has been given a commission in the Northumberland Fusiliersy09314

Sergeant J. H. Grant, King's Own Yorkshire Light Infantry (KOYLI), of 30 Harwood Street, Sheffield, has been given a commission in the Northumberland Fusiliers

9Captain H. Burrows Gallimore, Royal Field Artillery, Sheffield, killedy09315

Captain H. Burrows Gallimore, Royal Field Artillery, Sheffield, killed

10Acting Capt. M. W. Barstow, Royal Garrison Artillery, only child of Rev. T. W. Barstow, Greenhill, killed in actiony09316

Acting Capt. M. W. Barstow, Royal Garrison Artillery, only child of Rev. T. W. Barstow, Greenhill, killed in action

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