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1Private L. E. Grayson, York and Lancaster Regiment, Thurgoland, woundedy09297

Private L. E. Grayson, York and Lancaster Regiment, Thurgoland, wounded

2Lance.-Corporal A. Priest, West Yorkshire Regiment, Sheffield, woundedy09298

Lance.-Corporal A. Priest, West Yorkshire Regiment, Sheffield, wounded

3Private Arthur Jessop, East Yorkshire Regiment, Darnall, Sheffield, woundedy09299

Private Arthur Jessop, East Yorkshire Regiment, Darnall, Sheffield, wounded

4Private F. Stinson, Northumberland Fusiliers, Sheffield, woundedy09300

Private F. Stinson, Northumberland Fusiliers, Sheffield, wounded

5Private L. E. Eyre, York and Lancaster Regiment, Sharrow, Sheffield, missingy09301

Private L. E. Eyre, York and Lancaster Regiment, Sharrow, Sheffield, missing

6Private Douglas Beaumont, York and Lancaster Regiment, Sharrow, Sheffield, missingy09302

Private Douglas Beaumont, York and Lancaster Regiment, Sharrow, Sheffield, missing

7Sergt. W. J. Brown, York and Lancaster Regiment, Sharrow, Sheffield, shell shocky09303

Sergt. W. J. Brown, York and Lancaster Regiment, Sharrow, Sheffield, shell shock

8Corporal Clemont Roberts, York and Lancaster Regiment, Oughtibridge, Sheffield, woundedy09304

Corporal Clemont Roberts, York and Lancaster Regiment, Oughtibridge, Sheffield, wounded

9Private C. E. Chapman, West Yorkshire Regiment, Hillsborough, Sheffield, woundedy09305

Private C. E. Chapman, West Yorkshire Regiment, Hillsborough, Sheffield, wounded

10Lance-Corporal W. B. Binder, York and Lancaster Regiment, Catterick, Yorkshire, missingy09306

Lance-Corporal W. B. Binder, York and Lancaster Regiment, Catterick, Yorkshire, missing

Found 4858 records.

Page of 486.