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1Private J. H. Andrews, York and Lancaster Regiment, Sheffield, missingy09287

Private J. H. Andrews, York and Lancaster Regiment, Sheffield, missing

2Private E. Green, York and Lancaster Regiment, Sheffield, suffering from dysentery and fevery09288

Private E. Green, York and Lancaster Regiment, Sheffield, suffering from dysentery and fever

3Private H. Norman, South Lancashire Regiment, Chapeltown, woundedy09289

Private H. Norman, South Lancashire Regiment, Chapeltown, wounded

4Private Frank Crossland, York and Lancaster Regiment, brother of J. Crossland, Worsbro' Bridge, woundedy09290

Private Frank Crossland, York and Lancaster Regiment, brother of J. Crossland, Worsbro' Bridge, wounded

5Private J. Crossland, York and Lancaster Regiment, Worsbro' Bridge, wounded same day as his brothery09291

Private J. Crossland, York and Lancaster Regiment, Worsbro' Bridge, wounded same day as his brother

6Private J. Nabson, York and Lancaster Regiment, Worsbro' Dale, wounded for second timey09292

Private J. Nabson, York and Lancaster Regiment, Worsbro' Dale, wounded for second time

7Private J. H. Ambler, York and Lancaster Regiment, Hillsboro', Sheffield, brother of Private F. B. Ambler, reported missingy09293

Private J. H. Ambler, York and Lancaster Regiment, Hillsboro', Sheffield, brother of Private F. B. Ambler, reported missing

8Private W. Harley, York and Lancaster Regiment, Carbrook, nr. Sheffield, shell shocky09294

Private W. Harley, York and Lancaster Regiment, Carbrook, nr. Sheffield, shell shock

9Private G. E. Beadle, York and Lancaster Regiment, Sheffield, wounded and missingy09295

Private G. E. Beadle, York and Lancaster Regiment, Sheffield, wounded and missing

10Telegraphist G. E. Wild, Sheffield, suffering from fevery09296

Telegraphist G. E. Wild, Sheffield, suffering from fever

Found 4858 records.

Page of 486.