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1Private Nelson Horrocks, York and Lancaster Regiment, Platts Common, woundedy09277

Private Nelson Horrocks, York and Lancaster Regiment, Platts Common, wounded

2Second-Lieutenant C. E. Linsey, Kings Own Royal Lancaster Regiment. He was with the Sheffield and Hallamshire Bank. Killed in actiony09278

Second-Lieutenant C. E. Linsey, Kings Own Royal Lancaster Regiment. He was with the Sheffield and Hallamshire Bank. Killed in action

3Private E. Victor Furniss, York and Lancaster Regiment, of 35 Conduit Road, Sheffield, missing since July 1. His parents would be glad of any news concerning himy09279

Private E. Victor Furniss, York and Lancaster Regiment, of 35 Conduit Road, Sheffield, missing since July 1. His parents would be glad of any news concerning him

4Private Ernest Hewitt, East Yorkshire Regiment, Sheffield, killedy09280

Private Ernest Hewitt, East Yorkshire Regiment, Sheffield, killed

5Private J. Brookfield, York and Lancaster Regiment, Sheffield, woundedy09281

Private J. Brookfield, York and Lancaster Regiment, Sheffield, wounded

6Captain W. T. Taylor, Lancashire Fusiliers, of Wirksworth, who has been severely woundedy09282

Captain W. T. Taylor, Lancashire Fusiliers, of Wirksworth, who has been severely wounded

7Private J. Voyse, York and Lancaster Regiment, Attercliffe, Sheffield, killedy09283

Private J. Voyse, York and Lancaster Regiment, Attercliffe, Sheffield, killed

8Private C. Rowland, Sherwood Foresters, Bonsall, died of woundsy09284

Private C. Rowland, Sherwood Foresters, Bonsall, died of wounds

9Private Arthur Eric Mountain, York and Lancaster Regiment, of 10 Chelsea Road, Sheffield, missing since July 1. His parents would be glad of any news concerning himy09285

Private Arthur Eric Mountain, York and Lancaster Regiment, of 10 Chelsea Road, Sheffield, missing since July 1. His parents would be glad of any news concerning him

10Lieutenant A. D. Hodgson, Sherwood Foresters, of Wirksworth, son of the Rev. A. K. Hodgson.Killed in actiony09286

Lieutenant A. D. Hodgson, Sherwood Foresters, of Wirksworth, son of the Rev. A. K. Hodgson.Killed in action

Found 4858 records.

Page of 486.