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1Lce.-Corporal William Moseley, York and Lancaster Regiment, Meersbrook, Sheffield, wounded y09243

Lce.-Corporal William Moseley, York and Lancaster Regiment, Meersbrook, Sheffield, wounded

2Private J. S. Bewsher, Canadians, Darnall, Sheffield, woundedy09244

Private J. S. Bewsher, Canadians, Darnall, Sheffield, wounded

3Driver J. H. Manders, Royal Field Artillery, Sheffield, woundedy09245

Driver J. H. Manders, Royal Field Artillery, Sheffield, wounded

4Private G. H. Sadler, York and Lancaster Regiment, Sheffield, missingy09246

Private G. H. Sadler, York and Lancaster Regiment, Sheffield, missing

5Private A. Colton, Chapeltown, woundedy09247

Private A. Colton, Chapeltown, wounded

6Gunner James Blackburn (113902), Royal Garrison Artillery, of Sheffieldarc02336

Gunner James Blackburn (113902), Royal Garrison Artillery, of Sheffield

7Private J. Price, York and Lancaster Regiment, Hodgson Street, Sheffield, awarded the Military Medaly09505

Private J. Price, York and Lancaster Regiment, Hodgson Street, Sheffield, awarded the Military Medal

8Capt. G. M. Oakes, formerly captain in Royal Field Artillery. promoted to major (temp.) in the Motor Transporty09526

Capt. G. M. Oakes, formerly captain in Royal Field Artillery. promoted to major (temp.) in the Motor Transport

9Private W. J. W. Thompson, Scottish Regiment, reported missing 29th April 1917 now reported wounded and prisoner in Germanyy09527

Private W. J. W. Thompson, Scottish Regiment, reported missing 29th April 1917 now reported wounded and prisoner in Germany

10Private Charles Harold Gilbert, King's Own Yorkshire Light Infantry (KOYLI), Neill Road, Sheffield, killedy09502

Private Charles Harold Gilbert, King's Own Yorkshire Light Infantry (KOYLI), Neill Road, Sheffield, killed

Found 4858 records.

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