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1Private R. Brand, York and Lancaster Regiment, Bradwell, Sheffield, killedy09231

Private R. Brand, York and Lancaster Regiment, Bradwell, Sheffield, killed

2Private C. Renshaw, Seaforth Highlanders, Sheffield, killedy09234

Private C. Renshaw, Seaforth Highlanders, Sheffield, killed

3Lance-Sergeant. W. Jennett, East Yorkshire Regiment, Hillsborough, Sheffield, Killedy09235

Lance-Sergeant. W. Jennett, East Yorkshire Regiment, Hillsborough, Sheffield, Killed

4Private John Goundry, Leicestershire Regiment, Dinnington, killedy09236

Private John Goundry, Leicestershire Regiment, Dinnington, killed

5Private J. H. Ledger, West Yorkshire Regiment, Darnall, Sheffield, killedy09237

Private J. H. Ledger, West Yorkshire Regiment, Darnall, Sheffield, killed

6Lance-Corporal Horace G. Parkin, York and Lancaster Regiment, Kiveton Park, Sheffield, killedy09238

Lance-Corporal Horace G. Parkin, York and Lancaster Regiment, Kiveton Park, Sheffield, killed

7Private George Dickinson, Royal Engineers, Sheffield, killedy09239

Private George Dickinson, Royal Engineers, Sheffield, killed

8Rifleman William Jones, Kings Royal Rifles, Attercliffe, Sheffield, woundedy09240

Rifleman William Jones, Kings Royal Rifles, Attercliffe, Sheffield, wounded

9Private Richard Jones, South Lancashire Regiment, Attercliffe, Sheffield, shell shocky09241

Private Richard Jones, South Lancashire Regiment, Attercliffe, Sheffield, shell shock

10Private Edwin Sanderson, York and Lancaster Regiment, Sheffield, woundedy09242

Private Edwin Sanderson, York and Lancaster Regiment, Sheffield, wounded

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Page of 486.