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1Private F. H. Russ, Border Regiment, Crofts Building, Sheffield awarded the Military Medaly09169

Private F. H. Russ, Border Regiment, Crofts Building, Sheffield awarded the Military Medal

2Temp. Lt. Rowell Burwell, Royal Engineers, Albany Road, Sharrow, Sheffield, former student of Sheffield University, mentioned in dispatchesy09170

Temp. Lt. Rowell Burwell, Royal Engineers, Albany Road, Sharrow, Sheffield, former student of Sheffield University, mentioned in dispatches

3Captain Bernard P. Hall, Royal Garrison Artillery, of Grindleford, mentioned in dispatchesy09171

Captain Bernard P. Hall, Royal Garrison Artillery, of Grindleford, mentioned in dispatches

4Major J. W. Richardson, son of Mr L. G. Richardson, of Stone Grove, Sheffield, who was reported wounded and missing, now believed to have been killed on 3rd Mayy09172

Major J. W. Richardson, son of Mr L. G. Richardson, of Stone Grove, Sheffield, who was reported wounded and missing, now believed to have been killed on 3rd May

5Captain F. W. Clark, Royal Engineers, Doncaster, mentioned in dispatches.y09173

Captain F. W. Clark, Royal Engineers, Doncaster, mentioned in dispatches.

6Capt. V. S. Simpson, York and Lancaster Regiment, Sheffield, promotion to rank of captain appears in last nights Gazettey09174

Capt. V. S. Simpson, York and Lancaster Regiment, Sheffield, promotion to rank of captain appears in last nights Gazette

7Lt. R. Douglas Berry, York and Lancaster Regiment, Sheffield, killed in actiony09175

Lt. R. Douglas Berry, York and Lancaster Regiment, Sheffield, killed in action

8Quartermaster and Lt. R. B. Dowthwaite, York and Lancaster Regiment, Sheffield, mentioned in dispatchesy09176

Quartermaster and Lt. R. B. Dowthwaite, York and Lancaster Regiment, Sheffield, mentioned in dispatches

9Lt. Col. Douglas Branson, York and Lancaster Regiment, Sheffield, promotion to rank of acting Lt. Colonel appears in last nights London Gazettey09177

Lt. Col. Douglas Branson, York and Lancaster Regiment, Sheffield, promotion to rank of acting Lt. Colonel appears in last nights London Gazette

102nd Lt. Douglas H. Wells, York and Lancaster Regiment, of Eckington, Sheffield, killedy09178

2nd Lt. Douglas H. Wells, York and Lancaster Regiment, of Eckington, Sheffield, killed

Found 4858 records.

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