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1Private Edward Reginald Glossop, York and Lancaster Regiment, of 82 Holme Lane, Sheffield, killedy09126

Private Edward Reginald Glossop, York and Lancaster Regiment, of 82 Holme Lane, Sheffield, killed

2Lance Corporal A . H. Brown, King's Own Yorkshire Light Infantry (KOYLI), Sheffield, woundedy09127

Lance Corporal A . H. Brown, King's Own Yorkshire Light Infantry (KOYLI), Sheffield, wounded

3Private John C. Hobson, York and Lancaster Regiment, Sheffield, died of woundsy09129

Private John C. Hobson, York and Lancaster Regiment, Sheffield, died of wounds

4Private P. Donnelly, York and Lancaster Regiment, Sheffield, died of woundsy09130

Private P. Donnelly, York and Lancaster Regiment, Sheffield, died of wounds

5Corporal Jack Bernstein, Manchester Regiment, Western Bank, Sheffield, woundedy09132

Corporal Jack Bernstein, Manchester Regiment, Western Bank, Sheffield, wounded

6Private Albert Hudson, York and Lancaster Regiment, Paradise Street, Sheffield reported missing, now reported killedy09133

Private Albert Hudson, York and Lancaster Regiment, Paradise Street, Sheffield reported missing, now reported killed

7Private Tom Shaw, York and Lancaster Regiment, Sheffield, missing since 1st July now reported killedy09134

Private Tom Shaw, York and Lancaster Regiment, Sheffield, missing since 1st July now reported killed

8Corp. W. Marriott, King's Own Yorkshire Light Infantry (KOYLI), Sheffield, killedy09135

Corp. W. Marriott, King's Own Yorkshire Light Infantry (KOYLI), Sheffield, killed

9Able Seaman W. Higginbottom, Royal Naval Division, Sheffield, woundedy09136

Able Seaman W. Higginbottom, Royal Naval Division, Sheffield, wounded

10Private J. Wade, East Yorkshire Regiment, Wincobank, Sheffield, killedy09137

Private J. Wade, East Yorkshire Regiment, Wincobank, Sheffield, killed

Found 4858 records.

Page of 486.