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1Private F. A. Marsland, York and Lancaster Regiment, Attercliffe, Sheffield, woundedy09116

Private F. A. Marsland, York and Lancaster Regiment, Attercliffe, Sheffield, wounded

2Corp. Thomas E. Cholerton, Army Service Corps, Heeley, Sheffield, died of woundsy09117

Corp. Thomas E. Cholerton, Army Service Corps, Heeley, Sheffield, died of wounds

3Private Edward Furniss, York and Lancaster Regiment, son of Mr F. C. Furniss, 35 Conduit Road, Sheffield, previously reported missing now presumed killedy09118

Private Edward Furniss, York and Lancaster Regiment, son of Mr F. C. Furniss, 35 Conduit Road, Sheffield, previously reported missing now presumed killed

4Rev. Canon Rolfe, Vicar of Barnby, Dun and Kirk Bramwith, Rev. M. T. Allen, Vicar of Moss, and Rev. W. G. S. Rutter, Vicar of Askern, who are working as colliers at Askern Main Colliery, nr Doncastery09119

Rev. Canon Rolfe, Vicar of Barnby, Dun and Kirk Bramwith, Rev. M. T. Allen, Vicar of Moss, and Rev. W. G. S. Rutter, Vicar of Askern, who are working as colliers at Askern Main Colliery, nr Doncaster

5Private W. H. Taylor, Sherwood Foresters, only son of Mr and Mrs H. S. Taylor, of 3 Ribston Road, Attercliffe, Sheffield, officially reported missing since 14th April 1917y09120

Private W. H. Taylor, Sherwood Foresters, only son of Mr and Mrs H. S. Taylor, of 3 Ribston Road, Attercliffe, Sheffield, officially reported missing since 14th April 1917

6Sapper William L. Clulie, Royal Engineers, Broomspring Lane, Sheffield, woundedy09121

Sapper William L. Clulie, Royal Engineers, Broomspring Lane, Sheffield, wounded

7Private Roland H. Sharpe, York and Lancaster Regiment, Carbrook, Sheffield, killedy09122

Private Roland H. Sharpe, York and Lancaster Regiment, Carbrook, Sheffield, killed

8Private Gordon H. Sadler, York and Lancaster Regiment, Sheffield, reported missing July last now reported killedy09123

Private Gordon H. Sadler, York and Lancaster Regiment, Sheffield, reported missing July last now reported killed

9Private F. Moxham, Ecclesall Road, Sheffield, woundedy09124

Private F. Moxham, Ecclesall Road, Sheffield, wounded

10Private James W. May, Northumberland Fusiliers, Sheffield, killedy09125

Private James W. May, Northumberland Fusiliers, Sheffield, killed

Found 4858 records.

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