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1Private [   ] Potter, East Yorkshire Regiment, Sheffield, killedy09081

Private [ ] Potter, East Yorkshire Regiment, Sheffield, killed

2Private R. F. Brookes, York and Lancaster Regiment, Chorlton-cum-Hardy, Manchester, killedy09082

Private R. F. Brookes, York and Lancaster Regiment, Chorlton-cum-Hardy, Manchester, killed

3Gnr. Ellis Spencer, Royal Field Artillery, Pitsmoor, Sheffield, killedy09083

Gnr. Ellis Spencer, Royal Field Artillery, Pitsmoor, Sheffield, killed

4Lance-Corporal Charles W. Taylor, York and Lancaster Regiment, Sheffield, killedy09085

Lance-Corporal Charles W. Taylor, York and Lancaster Regiment, Sheffield, killed

5Private H. Winckle, West Riding Regiment, Sheffield, died of woundsy09086

Private H. Winckle, West Riding Regiment, Sheffield, died of wounds

6Private Frank Widdrington, King's Own Yorkshire Light Infantry (KOYLI), Sheffield, killedy09087

Private Frank Widdrington, King's Own Yorkshire Light Infantry (KOYLI), Sheffield, killed

7Private Tom Ball, Duke of Wellington's Regiment, Sheffield, killedy09088

Private Tom Ball, Duke of Wellington's Regiment, Sheffield, killed

8Corporal W. H. Brouse, East Yorkshire Regiment, Sheffield, killedy09089

Corporal W. H. Brouse, East Yorkshire Regiment, Sheffield, killed

9Private Thos. Brewer, Yorkshire Light Infantry, Sheffield, died of woundsy09090

Private Thos. Brewer, Yorkshire Light Infantry, Sheffield, died of wounds

10Lance-Corporal Horace Dickenson, Northumberland Fusiliers, Hoyland Common, wounded second timey09105

Lance-Corporal Horace Dickenson, Northumberland Fusiliers, Hoyland Common, wounded second time

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Page of 486.