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1Private Charles Harry Hinchliffe, York and Lancaster Regiment, Sheffield, woundedy09071

Private Charles Harry Hinchliffe, York and Lancaster Regiment, Sheffield, wounded

2Private William Coope, York and Lancaster Regiment, Sharrow, Sheffield, woundedy09072

Private William Coope, York and Lancaster Regiment, Sharrow, Sheffield, wounded

3Private H. Seaman, York and Lancaster Regiment, Sheffield, woundedy09073

Private H. Seaman, York and Lancaster Regiment, Sheffield, wounded

4Sergeant George Wilson, West Yorkshire Regiment, Woodseats, Sheffield, missingy09074

Sergeant George Wilson, West Yorkshire Regiment, Woodseats, Sheffield, missing

5Lce.-Corporal E. Clarke, York and Lancaster Regiment, Platts Common, woundedy09075

Lce.-Corporal E. Clarke, York and Lancaster Regiment, Platts Common, wounded

6Private Edgar Gentles, West Riding Regiment, Birdwell, shell shocky09076

Private Edgar Gentles, West Riding Regiment, Birdwell, shell shock

7Private John Garner, East Yorkshire Regiment, Sheffield, woundedy09077

Private John Garner, East Yorkshire Regiment, Sheffield, wounded

8Gunner C. Lee, Royal Field Artillery, Sheffield, woundedy09078

Gunner C. Lee, Royal Field Artillery, Sheffield, wounded

9Private George Angus, King's Own Yorkshire Light Infantry (KOYLI) for many years employed at the 'Sheffield Daily Telegraph', killedy09079

Private George Angus, King's Own Yorkshire Light Infantry (KOYLI) for many years employed at the 'Sheffield Daily Telegraph', killed

10Telegraphist Harry Willis, Sheffield, killedy09080

Telegraphist Harry Willis, Sheffield, killed

Found 4858 records.

Page of 486.