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1Sapper F Hawley, Royal Engineers., of 28 Albert Terrace Road, Sheffield, awarded the Military Medaly08874

Sapper F Hawley, Royal Engineers., of 28 Albert Terrace Road, Sheffield, awarded the Military Medal

2Sapper J Cross, Royal Engineers, of 58 Cliffefield Road, Meersbrook, Sheffield, awarded the Military Medaly08875

Sapper J Cross, Royal Engineers, of 58 Cliffefield Road, Meersbrook, Sheffield, awarded the Military Medal

3Lt Fred May, West  Yorkshire Regiment., formerly on the staff of the Sheffield Daily Telegraph, woundedy08876

Lt Fred May, West Yorkshire Regiment., formerly on the staff of the Sheffield Daily Telegraph, wounded

4Sergeant B Linton, Royal Field Artillery, Whitworth Street, Sheffield, killedy08877

Sergeant B Linton, Royal Field Artillery, Whitworth Street, Sheffield, killed

5Able Seaman S H Poulton, Sharrow Lane, Sheffield, woundedy08878

Able Seaman S H Poulton, Sharrow Lane, Sheffield, wounded

6Private C H Frost, York and Lancaster Regiment, Lansdowne Road, Sheffield, died of woundsy08879

Private C H Frost, York and Lancaster Regiment, Lansdowne Road, Sheffield, died of wounds

7Acting Leading Seaman Joseph Hulley of Sheffield, died of woundsy08880

Acting Leading Seaman Joseph Hulley of Sheffield, died of wounds

8Private R Nockalls, M.G.S.(Machine Gun Service?), Bromley Street, Sheffield, woundedy08881

Private R Nockalls, M.G.S.(Machine Gun Service?), Bromley Street, Sheffield, wounded

9Lance Corp Edward Teasdale, East Yorkshire Regiment, of Walkley, Sheffield, killedy08882

Lance Corp Edward Teasdale, East Yorkshire Regiment, of Walkley, Sheffield, killed

10Private Ben Lee, York and Lancaster Regiment, Canklow, woundedy09070

Private Ben Lee, York and Lancaster Regiment, Canklow, wounded

Found 4858 records.

Page of 486.