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1Private C. Helliwell, York and Lancaster Regiment, Platts Common, woundedy08782

Private C. Helliwell, York and Lancaster Regiment, Platts Common, wounded

2Sergeant Maurice Johnson, Tideswell, missingy08783

Sergeant Maurice Johnson, Tideswell, missing

3Private W. Homer, Royal Army Medical Corps, Sheffield, woundedy08784

Private W. Homer, Royal Army Medical Corps, Sheffield, wounded

4Private H. Seddon, West Riding Regiment, Penistone, woundedy08785

Private H. Seddon, West Riding Regiment, Penistone, wounded

5Private G. H. Roberts, York and Lancaster Regiment, Woodseats, woundedy08786

Private G. H. Roberts, York and Lancaster Regiment, Woodseats, wounded

6Private W. Theaker, Durham Light Infantry, Hillsbrough, Sheffield, killedy08787

Private W. Theaker, Durham Light Infantry, Hillsbrough, Sheffield, killed

7Private J. A. Hardwick, York and Lancaster Regiment, Sheffield, killedy08788

Private J. A. Hardwick, York and Lancaster Regiment, Sheffield, killed

8Corporal W. H. Browse, East Yorkshire Regiment, Sheffield, killedy08789

Corporal W. H. Browse, East Yorkshire Regiment, Sheffield, killed

9Corporal A. Fox, King's Own Yorkshire Light Infantry (KOYLI), Sheffield, killedy08790

Corporal A. Fox, King's Own Yorkshire Light Infantry (KOYLI), Sheffield, killed

10Drummer W. Wright, York and Lancaster Regiment, Sheffield, killedy08791

Drummer W. Wright, York and Lancaster Regiment, Sheffield, killed

Found 4858 records.

Page of 486.