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Found 1183 records

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1Unidentified couple at Bridlingtont09385

Unidentified couple at Bridlington

2Unidentified portrait of a schoolboyt09387

Unidentified portrait of a schoolboy

3Unidentified portrait of a mant09388

Unidentified portrait of a man

4Unidentified family groupt09389

Unidentified family group

5Unidentified portrait of a young childt09390

Unidentified portrait of a young child

6Unidentified family photograph used as a Christmas cardt09392

Unidentified family photograph used as a Christmas card

7Unidentified family photograph t09393

Unidentified family photograph

8Unidentified couple t09395

Unidentified couple

9St. Cuthbert's C. of E. Church, Barnsley Roadp00024

St. Cuthbert's C. of E. Church, Barnsley Road

10Unidentified group of workers at Woodhouses45819

Unidentified group of workers at Woodhouse

Found 1183 records.

Page of 119.