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Found 1183 records

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1Unidentified man v05098

Unidentified man

2Unidentified wedding groupv05115

Unidentified wedding group

3Unidentified school orchestral group, 1952 - 1953v05124

Unidentified school orchestral group, 1952 - 1953

4Unidentified school orchestral group, 1950 - 51v05125

Unidentified school orchestral group, 1950 - 51

5Unidentified school orchestral groupv05126

Unidentified school orchestral group

6Possible unidentified Sports Dayu12443

Possible unidentified Sports Day

7Possible unidentified Sports Dayu12444

Possible unidentified Sports Day

8Unidentified dinner and danceu12445

Unidentified dinner and dance

9Unidentified dinner and danceu12446

Unidentified dinner and dance

10Unidentified woman and her dogu12447

Unidentified woman and her dog

Found 1183 records.

Page of 119.