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Found 1183 records

Page of 119.

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1Unidentified groupu11876

Unidentified group

2Unidentified trophy (possibly connected to Hadfield's Ltd)t12750

Unidentified trophy (possibly connected to Hadfield's Ltd)

3Sheffield Smelting Company Limited - Oliver Charles Wilson (1867 - 1946)arc06505

Sheffield Smelting Company Limited - Oliver Charles Wilson (1867 - 1946)

4Sheffield Smelting Company Limited - Talbot Edward Baines Wilson (1865 - 1950)arc06506

Sheffield Smelting Company Limited - Talbot Edward Baines Wilson (1865 - 1950)

5Unidentified school class photographu12023

Unidentified school class photograph

6Unidentified school class photographu12024

Unidentified school class photograph

7Unidentified awards presentationu12039

Unidentified awards presentation

8Unidentified group u12435

Unidentified group

9Unidentified school sports day [possibly Ellesmere Road Primary School]u12441

Unidentified school sports day [possibly Ellesmere Road Primary School]

10Car with unidentified groupv05096

Car with unidentified group

Found 1183 records.

Page of 119.