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1Dennis fire engine in Sheffieldt11815

Dennis fire engine in Sheffield

2Sheffield firemen at the scene of an unidentified firet11817

Sheffield firemen at the scene of an unidentified fire

3Unidentified family groupp01351

Unidentified family group

4Unidentified womant13164

Unidentified woman

5Street party, Deerlands Mount c.1945t13161

Street party, Deerlands Mount c.1945

6Unidentified group of woment13160

Unidentified group of women

7Unidentified childrenu11916

Unidentified children

8Unidentified - several locations have been suggested including: Bitholmes, Deepcar; a lane off the Bitholmes opposite More Hall Lane; Cherry Tree Row near Tin Mill.a06974

Unidentified - several locations have been suggested including: Bitholmes, Deepcar; a lane off the Bitholmes opposite More Hall Lane; Cherry Tree Row near Tin Mill.

9Wedding of Ernest Oxley and Jean Oxley (maiden name was also Oxley)t13162

Wedding of Ernest Oxley and Jean Oxley (maiden name was also Oxley)

10Unidentified groupt13163

Unidentified group

Found 1183 records.

Page of 119.