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Found 1183 records

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1Staff room in unidentified hospital h00453

Staff room in unidentified hospital

2Unidentified hospital interiorh00454

Unidentified hospital interior

3Unidentified hospital kitchen, possibly Jessop Hospital for Womenh00455

Unidentified hospital kitchen, possibly Jessop Hospital for Women

4Baby bottle sterilisation in an unidentified hospital, possibly Jessop Hospital for Women h00456

Baby bottle sterilisation in an unidentified hospital, possibly Jessop Hospital for Women

5Unidentified matron talking to staff member, Barbara McReynoldsh00458

Unidentified matron talking to staff member, Barbara McReynolds

6Operating theatre in unidentified hospitalh00461

Operating theatre in unidentified hospital

7Unidentified group of kitchen staffp00753

Unidentified group of kitchen staff

8Unidentified Sheffield Fire Service firemant11803

Unidentified Sheffield Fire Service fireman

9Unidentified Sheffield Fire Service fireman t11810

Unidentified Sheffield Fire Service fireman

10Aftermath of an unidentified fire in Sheffieldt11814

Aftermath of an unidentified fire in Sheffield

Found 1183 records.

Page of 119.