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Found 1183 records

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1Demolition of unidentified buildingt08956

Demolition of unidentified building

2Demolition of unidentified buildingt08957

Demolition of unidentified building

3Unidentified group on coach tourt09380

Unidentified group on coach tour

4Unidentified man outside pigeon loft holding a pigeont09384

Unidentified man outside pigeon loft holding a pigeon

5Mac Millard in unknown football teamv04937

Mac Millard in unknown football team

6Group dinner at Wadsley Bridge Working Mens Clubt13175

Group dinner at Wadsley Bridge Working Mens Club

7Unidentified play and venue featuring Mary Young and Laurie Lingards45302

Unidentified play and venue featuring Mary Young and Laurie Lingard

8Dining room with patients and nurses at unidentified hospital, c. 1950sh00114

Dining room with patients and nurses at unidentified hospital, c. 1950s

9Dining room with patients and nurses at unidentified hospital, c. 1950sh00115

Dining room with patients and nurses at unidentified hospital, c. 1950s

10Dinner at Wadsley Bridge Working Men's Club, The Grange, Halifax Road c. 1951u11925

Dinner at Wadsley Bridge Working Men's Club, The Grange, Halifax Road c. 1951

Found 1183 records.

Page of 119.