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Found 1183 records

Page of 119.

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2Unidentified reservoiru08222

Unidentified reservoir

3Car and penny farthing bicycle at unidentified locationu08228

Car and penny farthing bicycle at unidentified location

4Unidentified lorry accidentu08229

Unidentified lorry accident

5Unidentified women's military band [in Millhouses Park]u08252

Unidentified women's military band [in Millhouses Park]

6Unidentified group photograph  (possibly connected with cinemas)u08645

Unidentified group photograph (possibly connected with cinemas)

7Unidentified group photograph  (possibly connected with cinemas)u08646

Unidentified group photograph (possibly connected with cinemas)

8Unidentified performeru08651

Unidentified performer

9Unidentified group at social eventu08755

Unidentified group at social event

10Young people in an unidentified back yard.u09056

Young people in an unidentified back yard.

Found 1183 records.

Page of 119.