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1Sir John Osborn (1922 - 2015) MP: unidentified location on an official visitt14953

Sir John Osborn (1922 - 2015) MP: unidentified location on an official visit

2Sir John Osborn (1922 - 2015) MP (second right): unidentified eventt14954

Sir John Osborn (1922 - 2015) MP (second right): unidentified event

3Sir John Osborn (1922 - 2015) MP: unidentified location on an official visitt14955

Sir John Osborn (1922 - 2015) MP: unidentified location on an official visit

4Sir John Osborn (1922 - 2015) MP: unidentified location on an official visitt14956

Sir John Osborn (1922 - 2015) MP: unidentified location on an official visit

5Class group at unidentified schoolt08242

Class group at unidentified school

6Unidentified Street showing Nos. 587 and 589 and derelict housing awaiting demolition, information with photograph reads Martin Street but does not have house numbers to corresponds17830

Unidentified Street showing Nos. 587 and 589 and derelict housing awaiting demolition, information with photograph reads Martin Street but does not have house numbers to correspond

7Yorkshire Electricity promotional bus in unidentified areat01888

Yorkshire Electricity promotional bus in unidentified area

8Snow and Ice straining the telephone wires in an unidentified locationt03514

Snow and Ice straining the telephone wires in an unidentified location

9Snow and Ice straining the telephone wires in an unidentified locationt03516

Snow and Ice straining the telephone wires in an unidentified location

10Snow in an unidentified locationt03521

Snow in an unidentified location

Found 1183 records.

Page of 119.