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1Unidentified sports pitchu12967

Unidentified sports pitch

2Trees in unidentified locationu12969

Trees in unidentified location

3Tree planting at unidentified locationu12972

Tree planting at unidentified location

4Group of possibly Parks Department staff examining plants in unidentified locationu12973

Group of possibly Parks Department staff examining plants in unidentified location

5Unidentified factory producing rail track possibly connected with Samuel Osborn and Co. Ltd.u13065

Unidentified factory producing rail track possibly connected with Samuel Osborn and Co. Ltd.

6Unidentified photograph from a collection of John Osborn, MPu13170

Unidentified photograph from a collection of John Osborn, MP

7Unidentified derelict street, Atterclifferb00359

Unidentified derelict street, Attercliffe

8Unidentified terraced streetrb00421

Unidentified terraced street

9Unidentified group, Northern General Hospital, Fir Valeh00750

Unidentified group, Northern General Hospital, Fir Vale

10Sir John Osborn (1922 - 2015) MP: unidentified location on an official visitt14952

Sir John Osborn (1922 - 2015) MP: unidentified location on an official visit

Found 1183 records.

Page of 119.