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1Unidentified derelict terraced houses, c.1970sph00246

Unidentified derelict terraced houses, c.1970s

2Unidentified derelict terraced houses, Sheffield, c.1970sph00247

Unidentified derelict terraced houses, Sheffield, c.1970s

3Unidentified] street, c.1970sph00248

Unidentified] street, c.1970s

4Unidentified street in Greystones, c.1970sph00259

Unidentified street in Greystones, c.1970s

5Unidentified terrace housing in Hunters Bar, c.1970sph00260

Unidentified terrace housing in Hunters Bar, c.1970s

6Unidentified photographt14448

Unidentified photograph

7Unidentified river watercourseov00211

Unidentified river watercourse

8South Yorkshire County Council (SYCC): unidentified collierysycc00036

South Yorkshire County Council (SYCC): unidentified colliery

9Tree planting at unidentified locationu12965

Tree planting at unidentified location

10Tree planting at unidentified locationu12966

Tree planting at unidentified location

Found 1183 records.

Page of 119.