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1Mrs Brennan presents a box of chocolates to Mrs Hammond at Jessop Saville's Sports Club concert, 2 April 1960.y11421

Mrs Brennan presents a box of chocolates to Mrs Hammond at Jessop Saville's Sports Club concert, 2 April 1960.

2Mrs Brennan presents to the Mistress Cutler, Mrs Bovill, Jessop Saville Ltd.y11422

Mrs Brennan presents to the Mistress Cutler, Mrs Bovill, Jessop Saville Ltd.

3Jessop Saville Ltd. Mrs Brennan presents to Mrs Wallace.y11423

Jessop Saville Ltd. Mrs Brennan presents to Mrs Wallace.

4Jessop Saville Ltd. Stage Manager Jack Gibson instructs an unknown lady, who introduces the show.y11424

Jessop Saville Ltd. Stage Manager Jack Gibson instructs an unknown lady, who introduces the show.

5Jessop Saville Ltd.  Amateur Dramatic Society.y11425

Jessop Saville Ltd. Amateur Dramatic Society.

6Jessop Saville Ltd.  Amateur Dramatics.  City Hall Concert.y11426

Jessop Saville Ltd. Amateur Dramatics. City Hall Concert.

7Jessop Savile Ltd. Sports Club Council function, unknown hotel location and Lyceum.y11427

Jessop Savile Ltd. Sports Club Council function, unknown hotel location and Lyceum.

8Mr James Cooper retires 16 April 1960 after 48 and three-quarter years' service at Jessop Saville Ltd.y11428

Mr James Cooper retires 16 April 1960 after 48 and three-quarter years' service at Jessop Saville Ltd.

9Jessop Saville Ltd., Ambulance Corps Dinner in the Works Canteen.y11429

Jessop Saville Ltd., Ambulance Corps Dinner in the Works Canteen.

10Jessop Saville Ltd.,  Ambulance Corps Dinner in the Works Canteeny11430

Jessop Saville Ltd., Ambulance Corps Dinner in the Works Canteen

Found 3306 records.

Page of 331.