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1Hugh Ebbings, Purchasing Department, Jessop Saville Ltd., winner of Coppel Cup for Ambulance Work.y11411

Hugh Ebbings, Purchasing Department, Jessop Saville Ltd., winner of Coppel Cup for Ambulance Work.

2Hugh Ebbings, Purchasing Department, Jessop Saville Ltd., winner of Coppel Cup for Ambulance Worky11412

Hugh Ebbings, Purchasing Department, Jessop Saville Ltd., winner of Coppel Cup for Ambulance Work

3No title or date given, assumed to be Operatic Section of Jessop-Saville Ltd, c. 1960.y11413

No title or date given, assumed to be Operatic Section of Jessop-Saville Ltd, c. 1960.

4No title or date given. Assumed to be Operatic Section of Jessop Saville Ltd, c. 1960.y11414

No title or date given. Assumed to be Operatic Section of Jessop Saville Ltd, c. 1960.

5Operatic Section of Jessop Saville Ltd, no title given.y11415

Operatic Section of Jessop Saville Ltd, no title given.

6Assumed to be Operatic Section of Jessop Saville Ltd, c. 1960.y11416

Assumed to be Operatic Section of Jessop Saville Ltd, c. 1960.

7Joan Brobbel, Jessop Saville Ltd (probably the Operatic Section)y11417

Joan Brobbel, Jessop Saville Ltd (probably the Operatic Section)

8Jessop Saville Ltd (assumed to be the Operatic Section, c. 1960)y11418

Jessop Saville Ltd (assumed to be the Operatic Section, c. 1960)

9Jessop Saville Ltd., no title or date given, assumed to be Operatic Section, c. 1960.y11419

Jessop Saville Ltd., no title or date given, assumed to be Operatic Section, c. 1960.

10Jessop Saville Ltd., no title or date given, assumed to be Operatic Section, c. 1960.y11420

Jessop Saville Ltd., no title or date given, assumed to be Operatic Section, c. 1960.

Found 3306 records.

Page of 331.