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1Hillfoot Steel Forgers Ltd, Bradfield Road, Hillsboroughs33716

Hillfoot Steel Forgers Ltd, Bradfield Road, Hillsborough

2Hillfoot Steel Forgers Ltd, Bradfield Road, Hillsboroughs33717

Hillfoot Steel Forgers Ltd, Bradfield Road, Hillsborough

3H. H. Earl and Son Ltd, Iron and Steel Stockholders, Club Mill Roads33731

H. H. Earl and Son Ltd, Iron and Steel Stockholders, Club Mill Road

4Alloy Steel Rods Ltd, Stevenson Roads33737

Alloy Steel Rods Ltd, Stevenson Road

5Arthur Lee and Sons Ltds33744

Arthur Lee and Sons Ltd

6Arthur Lee and Sons Ltds33745

Arthur Lee and Sons Ltd

7Brown Firth Research laboratoriess33768

Brown Firth Research laboratories

8Research laboratories at Steel, Peech and Tozer: preparing for the hot tensile of a steel specimen for high temperature applicationss33769

Research laboratories at Steel, Peech and Tozer: preparing for the hot tensile of a steel specimen for high temperature applications

9Research laboratories at Steel, Peech and Tozer: showing a sectionof the fatigue laboratory and the rig testing machines for bearing steelss33772

Research laboratories at Steel, Peech and Tozer: showing a sectionof the fatigue laboratory and the rig testing machines for bearing steels

10Circular saws at Neepsend Ltd, steel manufacturer, Neepsend Lanes33999

Circular saws at Neepsend Ltd, steel manufacturer, Neepsend Lane

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