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1Steel industry processes - Steel menu07977

Steel industry processes - Steel men

2Steel industry processes - unidentifiedu07978

Steel industry processes - unidentified

3Steel industry processes - Fault finding panel in the Motor Houseu07979

Steel industry processes - Fault finding panel in the Motor House

4Steel industry processes - General view of the Motor Houseu07980

Steel industry processes - General view of the Motor House

5Firth Brown Sales Conferenceu08660

Firth Brown Sales Conference

6Firth Brown Sales Conferenceu08661

Firth Brown Sales Conference

7Firth Brown Sales Conferenceu08662

Firth Brown Sales Conference

8Brown Bayley Steels Ltd steam lorryu08745

Brown Bayley Steels Ltd steam lorry

9Constructing railway bogie frames manufactured by the English Steel Corporation Ltd.u09065

Constructing railway bogie frames manufactured by the English Steel Corporation Ltd.

10Gravestone for Benjamin Huntsman (1704-1776), Inventor and manufacturer of cast or crucible steel, Attercliffe Cemetery, Attercliffe Roads33646

Gravestone for Benjamin Huntsman (1704-1776), Inventor and manufacturer of cast or crucible steel, Attercliffe Cemetery, Attercliffe Road

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