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1Firth Brown forged steel pipe mould - melting, refining and degassing plant at the Atlas Melting Shop, c.1970y04066

Firth Brown forged steel pipe mould - melting, refining and degassing plant at the Atlas Melting Shop, c.1970

2Firth Brown forged steel pipe mould - 'thorough hot working of ingot material is essential for both small and large moulds', c.1970y04067

Firth Brown forged steel pipe mould - 'thorough hot working of ingot material is essential for both small and large moulds', c.1970

3Firth Brown forged steel pipe mould - 'Close control of the final heat treatment operation ensures optimum performance of the mould', c.1970y04068

Firth Brown forged steel pipe mould - 'Close control of the final heat treatment operation ensures optimum performance of the mould', c.1970

4Electron probe microanalyser at the Brown-Firth Research Laboratories, c.1970y04069

Electron probe microanalyser at the Brown-Firth Research Laboratories, c.1970

5English Steel Tool Proprietary Ltd (ESC Tools PTY Ltd) - premises at Dandenong, Melbourne Australia, opened 1961y04295

English Steel Tool Proprietary Ltd (ESC Tools PTY Ltd) - premises at Dandenong, Melbourne Australia, opened 1961

6Firth Brown Ltd pipe mouldsy03958

Firth Brown Ltd pipe moulds

7Firth Brown Ltd pipe mouldsy03959

Firth Brown Ltd pipe moulds

8Firth Brown Ltd pipe mouldsy03960

Firth Brown Ltd pipe moulds

9Firth Brown Ltd forging a 600 m/m pipe mouldy03961

Firth Brown Ltd forging a 600 m/m pipe mould

10Firth Brown Ltd pipe mouldy03962

Firth Brown Ltd pipe mould

Found 3306 records.

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