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1British Steel Corporation, Special Steels Division, landing gear and airframe forgings for the Hawker Siddeley Trident and Buccaneery03685

British Steel Corporation, Special Steels Division, landing gear and airframe forgings for the Hawker Siddeley Trident and Buccaneer

2British Steel Corporation, Special Steels Division, complex landing gear forgings for the Hawker Siddeley HS125y03686

British Steel Corporation, Special Steels Division, complex landing gear forgings for the Hawker Siddeley HS125

3British Steel Corporation, Special Steels Division, landing gear forging produced in vacuum remelted NCMV (1.5 Ni Cr Mo V) steely03687

British Steel Corporation, Special Steels Division, landing gear forging produced in vacuum remelted NCMV (1.5 Ni Cr Mo V) steel

4James Christie and Sons Ltd, stainless steel fittings and fabrications y03880

James Christie and Sons Ltd, stainless steel fittings and fabrications

5George Clark (Sheffield) Ltd., North British Steel Works, Penistone Road,y03882

George Clark (Sheffield) Ltd., North British Steel Works, Penistone Road,

6Edgar Allen and Co Ltd, Imperial Steel Works, Sheffield Road y03432

Edgar Allen and Co Ltd, Imperial Steel Works, Sheffield Road

7Staybrite Ball outside the Royal Exchange Building, London, venue for the 'Sheffield City on the Move' Exhibition.y03577

Staybrite Ball outside the Royal Exchange Building, London, venue for the 'Sheffield City on the Move' Exhibition.

8Staybrite Ball outside the Royal Exchange Building, London, venue for the 'Sheffield City on the Move' Exhibition.y03578

Staybrite Ball outside the Royal Exchange Building, London, venue for the 'Sheffield City on the Move' Exhibition.

9Staybrite Ball outside Sheffield Town Hall to promote the 'Science Fair' at Granville College. PC John Mason (the Town Hall Bobby)  is seen here with Emmett Maloney from Stocksbridgey03579

Staybrite Ball outside Sheffield Town Hall to promote the 'Science Fair' at Granville College. PC John Mason (the Town Hall Bobby) is seen here with Emmett Maloney from Stocksbridge

10Staybrite Ball outside Sheffield Town Hally03580

Staybrite Ball outside Sheffield Town Hall

Found 3306 records.

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