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1Firth-Vickers Stainless Steels Ltd. - Rust, acid and heat resisting steel productsy03568

Firth-Vickers Stainless Steels Ltd. - Rust, acid and heat resisting steel products

2Staybrite logo (Firth-Vickers Stainless Steel)y03569

Staybrite logo (Firth-Vickers Stainless Steel)

3Firth Vickers Stainless Steel - cogging mill, 1960sy03570

Firth Vickers Stainless Steel - cogging mill, 1960s

4British Steel Corporation, Special Steels Division, vacuum treating a 120-ton melty03668

British Steel Corporation, Special Steels Division, vacuum treating a 120-ton melt

5British Steel Corporation, Special Steels Division, teeming steel into a vacuum treatment unit y03669

British Steel Corporation, Special Steels Division, teeming steel into a vacuum treatment unit

6British Steel Corporation, Special Steels Division, stripping the crucible from a 6-ton vacuum-arc remelted ingot, and a steel electrode ready for remeltingy03670

British Steel Corporation, Special Steels Division, stripping the crucible from a 6-ton vacuum-arc remelted ingot, and a steel electrode ready for remelting

7British Steel Corporation, Special Steels Division, electro-flux refining furnace showing the water cooled crucible and remelted ingoty03671

British Steel Corporation, Special Steels Division, electro-flux refining furnace showing the water cooled crucible and remelted ingot

8British Steel Corporation, Special Steels Division, 25-ton double acting stamp and 2,000-ton clipping press used for the production of some of the largest aircraft drop forgings manufactured in Britainy03672

British Steel Corporation, Special Steels Division, 25-ton double acting stamp and 2,000-ton clipping press used for the production of some of the largest aircraft drop forgings manufactured in Britain

9British Steel Corporation, Special Steels Division, forging a Nimonic alloy gas turbine disc on a heavy drop stamp unity03673

British Steel Corporation, Special Steels Division, forging a Nimonic alloy gas turbine disc on a heavy drop stamp unit

10British Steel Corporation, Special Steels Division, taper becking billet section of a cast hollow ingoty03674

British Steel Corporation, Special Steels Division, taper becking billet section of a cast hollow ingot

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