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1J. R. Bramah, steel manufacturers - air frame and aero engine sheet metal specialists - assembling a helicopter engine cowl and exhaust shroudy03627

J. R. Bramah, steel manufacturers - air frame and aero engine sheet metal specialists - assembling a helicopter engine cowl and exhaust shroud

2S. Betts and Sons Ltd., tool manufacturers, Portland Works, Randall Street, catalogue covery03628

S. Betts and Sons Ltd., tool manufacturers, Portland Works, Randall Street, catalogue cover

3Drop Stamp left standing after demolition, English Steel Corporation Ltd., River Don Workss28603

Drop Stamp left standing after demolition, English Steel Corporation Ltd., River Don Works

41200 horse power steam engine used to drive the Heavy Plate Mill, British Steel Corporation Ltd, River Don Works, Brightside Lanes28604

1200 horse power steam engine used to drive the Heavy Plate Mill, British Steel Corporation Ltd, River Don Works, Brightside Lane

51200 horse power steam engine used to drive the Heavy Plate Mill, British Steel Corporation Ltd, River Don Works, Brightside Lanes28605

1200 horse power steam engine used to drive the Heavy Plate Mill, British Steel Corporation Ltd, River Don Works, Brightside Lane

6Stainless Hot Plate Mill, Samuel Fox and Company Ltd., United Steel Companies Ltd.s28624

Stainless Hot Plate Mill, Samuel Fox and Company Ltd., United Steel Companies Ltd.

7General view of Samuel Fox and Co. Ltd., Stocksbridge Works with the new Bar and Rod Mill in the foregrounds28722

General view of Samuel Fox and Co. Ltd., Stocksbridge Works with the new Bar and Rod Mill in the foreground

8British Steel Corporation formerly, Samuel Fox and Co. Ltd., Stocksbridge Works s28723

British Steel Corporation formerly, Samuel Fox and Co. Ltd., Stocksbridge Works

9British steel Corporation, formerly Samuel Fox and Co. Ltd., Stocksbridge Works s28726

British steel Corporation, formerly Samuel Fox and Co. Ltd., Stocksbridge Works

10Samuel Fox and Co. Ltd., Stocksbridge Works showing Roughing Stands in the foreground and Finishing Stands on the rights28729

Samuel Fox and Co. Ltd., Stocksbridge Works showing Roughing Stands in the foreground and Finishing Stands on the right

Found 3306 records.

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