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1Crucible Steel Melting shop at Abbeydale Works, former premises of W. Tyzack, Sons and Turner Ltd., manufacturers of files, saws, scythes etc., prior to becoming Abbeydale Industrial Hamlet Museumu01532

Crucible Steel Melting shop at Abbeydale Works, former premises of W. Tyzack, Sons and Turner Ltd., manufacturers of files, saws, scythes etc., prior to becoming Abbeydale Industrial Hamlet Museum

2Andrews Toledo, Toledo Steelworks, Neepsend Lane, Neepsendu04924

Andrews Toledo, Toledo Steelworks, Neepsend Lane, Neepsend

3Heavy forge at Vickers Ltd., River Don Worksv02493

Heavy forge at Vickers Ltd., River Don Works

4Heavy forge at Vickers Ltd., River Don Worksv02494

Heavy forge at Vickers Ltd., River Don Works

5Heavy forge at Vickers Ltd., River Don Worksv02495

Heavy forge at Vickers Ltd., River Don Works

6Heavy forge at Vickers Ltd., River Don Worksv02499

Heavy forge at Vickers Ltd., River Don Works

7Smoke and chimneys above George Senior and Sons Ltd., steel manufacturers, Ponds Forge, Sheaf Streetrb00048

Smoke and chimneys above George Senior and Sons Ltd., steel manufacturers, Ponds Forge, Sheaf Street

8English Steel Corporation - OL 593. L.P. Compressor Casing .u09121

English Steel Corporation - OL 593. L.P. Compressor Casing .

9English Steel Corporation, possibly River Don Workst08241

English Steel Corporation, possibly River Don Works

10View at Express Dairy Company Ltd's bottling plant at Cricklewood of equipment supplied by Firth Vickers Stainless Steel Ltd (Staybrite Works).u09082

View at Express Dairy Company Ltd's bottling plant at Cricklewood of equipment supplied by Firth Vickers Stainless Steel Ltd (Staybrite Works).

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