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1Old Crucible Furnaces, Kayser Ellison and Co., Darnall Steel Works, Wilfrid Road s28050

Old Crucible Furnaces, Kayser Ellison and Co., Darnall Steel Works, Wilfrid Road

2Opening of English Steel Corporation, Tinsley Park Works, Shepcote Lane by HRH Duke of Edinburght00858

Opening of English Steel Corporation, Tinsley Park Works, Shepcote Lane by HRH Duke of Edinburgh

3Group of employees at the English Steel Corporationt08239

Group of employees at the English Steel Corporation

4Interior construction of the Bar Mill, English Steel Corporation, Tinsley Park Works, Shepcote Lanet02982

Interior construction of the Bar Mill, English Steel Corporation, Tinsley Park Works, Shepcote Lane

5Aerial view of the construction of English Steel Corporation, Tinsley Park Works, Shepcote Lanet02983

Aerial view of the construction of English Steel Corporation, Tinsley Park Works, Shepcote Lane

6Aerial view of English Steel Corporation, Tinsley Park Works, Shepcote Lanet02984

Aerial view of English Steel Corporation, Tinsley Park Works, Shepcote Lane

7English Steel Corporation, Tinsley Park Works, Shepcote Lanet02985

English Steel Corporation, Tinsley Park Works, Shepcote Lane

8Inside the Huntsman crucible steel melting shop, Abbeydale Industrial Hamlet formerly Wm Tyzack Sons and Turner Ltdt05249

Inside the Huntsman crucible steel melting shop, Abbeydale Industrial Hamlet formerly Wm Tyzack Sons and Turner Ltd

9Water driven Tilt Hammer, Abbeydale Industrial Hamlet formerly Wm Tyzack Sons and Turner Ltdt05250

Water driven Tilt Hammer, Abbeydale Industrial Hamlet formerly Wm Tyzack Sons and Turner Ltd

10Windows fabricated from Firth Vickers Stainless Steels Ltd 'Staybrite' F.M.B. stainless steel (Type 316) by Metarch Ltd.u09081

Windows fabricated from Firth Vickers Stainless Steels Ltd 'Staybrite' F.M.B. stainless steel (Type 316) by Metarch Ltd.

Found 3306 records.

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