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1Former offices of Samuel Osborn and Co. Ltd., steel manufacturers, Clyde Steel Works, No. 48, Wickers27784

Former offices of Samuel Osborn and Co. Ltd., steel manufacturers, Clyde Steel Works, No. 48, Wicker

2Former Samuel Osborn and Co., steel manufacturers, Clyde Steel Works, Blonk Streets27786

Former Samuel Osborn and Co., steel manufacturers, Clyde Steel Works, Blonk Street

3Former Samuel Osborn and Co. Ltd., steel manufacturers, Clyde Steel Works, Blonk Street and Blonk Bridges27787

Former Samuel Osborn and Co. Ltd., steel manufacturers, Clyde Steel Works, Blonk Street and Blonk Bridge

4Former Samuel Osborn and Co. Ltd., steel manufacturers, Clyde Steel Works, Blonk Street from Blonk Bridges27789

Former Samuel Osborn and Co. Ltd., steel manufacturers, Clyde Steel Works, Blonk Street from Blonk Bridge

5Former Samuel Osborn and Co. Ltd., steel manufacturers, Clyde Steel Works, Blonk Street from Blonk Bridge looking towards Royal Victoria Hotel s27791

Former Samuel Osborn and Co. Ltd., steel manufacturers, Clyde Steel Works, Blonk Street from Blonk Bridge looking towards Royal Victoria Hotel

6Former Samuel Osborn and Co. Ltd., steel manufacturers, Clyde Steel Works, Blonk Street from Smithfield Market Site looking towards Blonk Bridge and Castle Market Goods Entrances27792

Former Samuel Osborn and Co. Ltd., steel manufacturers, Clyde Steel Works, Blonk Street from Smithfield Market Site looking towards Blonk Bridge and Castle Market Goods Entrance

7Holbrook Precision Castings (originally Osborn Precision Castings), Station Road, Halfway.s27793

Holbrook Precision Castings (originally Osborn Precision Castings), Station Road, Halfway.

8Mould-making shop at Holbrook Precision Castings (originally Osborn Precision Castings), Station Road, Halfway.s27794

Mould-making shop at Holbrook Precision Castings (originally Osborn Precision Castings), Station Road, Halfway.

9Part of the rolling mill at British Steel Corporation, River Don Works which was powered by the steam engine now at Kelham Island Industrial Museum.s27951

Part of the rolling mill at British Steel Corporation, River Don Works which was powered by the steam engine now at Kelham Island Industrial Museum.

10Old Crucible furnaces, Kayser Ellison and Co., Darnall Steel Works, Wilfrid Road looking towards Darnall Roads28049

Old Crucible furnaces, Kayser Ellison and Co., Darnall Steel Works, Wilfrid Road looking towards Darnall Road

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