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1Royal Hotel, No. 10 Market Square, Woodhouse, at junction of Cross Streets06919

Royal Hotel, No. 10 Market Square, Woodhouse, at junction of Cross Street

2Neepsend Tavern, 144 Neepsend Lanes06928

Neepsend Tavern, 144 Neepsend Lane

3Neepsend Tavern, 144, Neepsend Lanes06929

Neepsend Tavern, 144, Neepsend Lane

4Pack Horse Inn, No 2 West Bar, junction of Newhall Street (later became Snig Hill). Grand Theatre of Varieties, West Bar, in backgrounds06930

Pack Horse Inn, No 2 West Bar, junction of Newhall Street (later became Snig Hill). Grand Theatre of Varieties, West Bar, in background

5Pack Horse Inn, No. 2 West Bar, junction of Snig Hill (former Newhall Street)s06933

Pack Horse Inn, No. 2 West Bar, junction of Snig Hill (former Newhall Street)

6Dore Moor Inn, Hathersage Roads06938

Dore Moor Inn, Hathersage Road

7Dore Moor Inn, Hathersage Roads06940

Dore Moor Inn, Hathersage Road

8Cross Scythes Hotel, Baslow Road, Totley. At the time of this photograph, the pub sign is 'Ye Old Cross Scythes Hotel's06946

Cross Scythes Hotel, Baslow Road, Totley. At the time of this photograph, the pub sign is 'Ye Old Cross Scythes Hotel'

9Abbey Hotel, No. 348, (later renumbered No. 944), Chesterfield Road at junction of Abbey Lane, showing new extension on left of pub. John Codd, joiner and wheelwright, lefts06950

Abbey Hotel, No. 348, (later renumbered No. 944), Chesterfield Road at junction of Abbey Lane, showing new extension on left of pub. John Codd, joiner and wheelwright, left

10Abbeydale Station Hotel, later known as the Beauchief Hotel, No 161, Abbeydale Road Souths06968

Abbeydale Station Hotel, later known as the Beauchief Hotel, No 161, Abbeydale Road South

Found 5497 records.

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